Thursday, September 6, 2012

Long time no talky...

Wow. Just wow.  Rowan is now 14.75 months so it's been over a year since my last post!  It's been an amazingly busy year - raising Rowan, starting my own business, going back to school just to name a few - but a rewarding one none the less.  I will still go back and start at the beginning but I feel I need to first start in the present as it will affect the direction of this blog.

Rowan, who spent 8 months with 'colic' (or GI issues), is in the process of being assessed for ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).  Not what we were expecting or planning (for any parent I am sure) but something we are dealing with and now I want to make sure that all of the details are out in cyber space for anyone to see.  She is the most amazing little girl.  She delights us every moment of every day.  But she has this problem.  It means she sees the world a little differently and needs a little help learning things we normally learn through instinct and observation.  I am going to go through all of her development and catalogue everything we noticed here in the hope that it will help even one other person get the early intervention that is needed for a child with ASD.

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